September 2013 : Whale shark sheet

Title: Whale shark
Emission: September, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 7.00 x 4
Stamp’s size: 38 x 50 mm
Sheet’s size: 187 x 285 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos:  Melody Sky
James Hancock Paper: anti-counterfeit UV

The whale shark, the biggest fish in the world, is a fantastic ambassador for the oceans. It could either be an easy target for fishermen or become an important driving force for the economic development of entire regions where it regularly migrates. Boopy is studying the possibility of developing a project in the Philippines while concretely helping the fishermen of Gujarat, India and the Ecocean project in Australia. Together, we can help even more projects in the Maldives, Mozambique and other countries to create a global network of local projects and help in the preservation of this majestic animal. Discover the project.
September 2013 : Snow leopard sheet

Title: Snow leopard
Emission: September, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 2.50 x 8
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 215 x 200 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos: Snow Leopard Trust, SLCF, Panthera, SLF-Pakistan

Paper: anti-counterfeit UV

The snow leopard, which roams the high mountains of Central Asia, is an elusive cat--but perhaps not elusive enough. Its solitary habits have not helped it escape poachers. Many threats like poaching, habitat loss and conflicts with herders have pushed the snow leopard to the brink of extinction.

All photos of this Boopy Post were taken by automatic cameras in India (main photo), Pakistan and Mongolia.

In the state of Himachal Pradesh in North-eastern India, the Spiti Valley remains an important snow leopard habitat. It is in this region that the Snow Leopard Trust, sponsored by Boopy, has decided to organize a nature camp for 150 children and 12 teachers from 7 different schools. A unique opportunity to educate future ambassadors about this fragile ecosystem.

Together we can do much more and continue to educate children in many countries where the snow leopard lives. Discover the project
August 2013 : Elephant sheet

Title: Elephant
Emission: August, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 2.50 x 8
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 140 x 200 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos: Federico Veronesi
Paper: anti-counterfeit UV


Elephants have never needed us more. Over 38,000 elephants are killed each year for their tusks, and the numbers are increasing. The ivory trade seems uncontrollable, yet Boopy is certain that we must act now and educate young people in Asia, the main destination of ivory. Boopy supports Celia Ho and Federico Veronesi, the photograper of these pictures taken in Aberdares (main photo) and Masai Mara. See their efforts here.

Furthermore, elephants are bearing the brunt of habitat loss in many countries, and conflicts with villagers in these areas are more numerous. Boopy provides assistance to several projects in Zambia and India (with Awely), Burkina Faso (with Des Eléphants et des Hommes)) and Laos (with ElefantAsia). Discover the projects.

July 2013 : Cheetah sheet

Title: Cheetah
Emission: July, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 2.50 x 8
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 140 x 200 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos: Federico Veronesi (  
Paper: anti-counterfeit UV


Fewer than 12,000 cheetahs remain in Africa and Iran. Victim of a redistribution of its territory and of more and more serious conflicts with humans, the fastest land animal on the planet must face a race against time, a race whose outcome may determine its fate.

In Kenya, there are no more than about a thousand left, mostly living outside of national parks due to competition with other predators like lions and hyenas. Cheetahs cannot survive in geographical zones which are too restrictive as they are genetically weak. Conserving a network of ecological corridors is therefore of great importance for the survival of the species. The region of Salama in the southeast of Nairobi is one of these critical areas which will determine the future of this graceful feline.

Boopy has joined Action for Cheetahs in Kenya to find lasting solutions with the population to ensure cheetah survival in the Salama region, a complicated balance, but full of hope. Discover the project.

Boopy Post photos taken by Federico Veronesi, a magician of the image and a great friend of Boopy's, in the famous Masai Mara park in Kenya.

June 2013 : Rhino cartoon sheet
Title: Rhinoceros – Ox Tales Comics
Emission: Juin 2013
Value and composition: Boo 2.50 x 4
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 118 x 182 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Drawings: Thijs Wilms & Wil Raymakers
Paper: anti-counterfeit UV

The world Thijs Wilms and Wil Raymakers is a fantastic dive into the heart of the animal kingdom. Wil's irresistibly humorous drawings are coupled with Thijs' stories to provide never-ending laughter!

Both artists allow their friend Boopy to use their art in the service of conservation. A little humour to talk about something as terrible as killing rhinoceros, and the more and more real risk of the next extinction.

Boopy already supports the protection of the black rhinoceros with the Lewa Conservancy in Kenya and the Indian rhinoceros with Awely in Nepal. Discover the projects.

May 2013 : Rhino sheet

Titre: Black rhinoceros
Emission: May, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 2.50 x 4
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 170 x 115 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos : Boopy à Lewa Conservancy –
Paper: anti-counterfeit UV

This sheet tells is a great story, a message of hope.

Born October 10, 2005, the baby black rhinoceros in the photos was hand-raised by the Lewa Conservancy in Kenya because his mother was partially blind and unable to fully care for him. Named Elvis, this rhinoceros was then successfully reintroduced into the wild. He is now an ambassador for his species, numbering no more than 4000  in Africa, and the efforts made by Lewa to save them.

Boopy supports the protection of the black rhinoceros with the Lewa Conservancy in Kenya and the Indian rhinoceros with Awely in Nepal.Discover the projects.

April 2013 : Boopy flag stamps

Title: Flag 1
Emission: April, 2013
Value and composition: Boo 1.00 x 4 + Boo 1.50 x 4
Stamp’s size: 30 x 40 mm
Sheet’s size: 76 x 174 mm
Perforation: 12.5 / 1.0 mm
Design: Richard Peter David – Boopy Post
Photos:  Boopy in Madagascar
Renaud Fulconis, Awely
Florian Magne, Huro programme
Paper: Anti-counterfeit UV

This sheet contains Boopy's official flag, a symbol of hope and strength for children around the world, and for the planet. The green of the forest, yellow of the mountain and desert, and the blue of the ocean.

It also highlights four beautiful projects which Boopy greatly respects and supports as much as he can:
- Top left: elephants in Laos with ElefantAsia
- Top right: gibbons in India with the Huro Program
- Bottom left: radiated tortoises in Madagascar with Salamandra Nature
- Bottom right: snow leopards in Bhutan with Awely.

Discover the projects.