In order to put into practice the values of the Eco-Sys Action Football Cup (EAFC), tournament organizers are asked that their event adopt the following standards which minimize their carbon footprint and serve as tournament models:
Post notices close to water areas (toilets and showers for example) reminding users that water is precious and to please use it ecologically.
Environmentally friendly management of used water and disposal of other liquids according to regulations (deep frying oil for example).
Limited and ecological watering of fields.
Post notices beside light switches and outlets reminding users to conserve electricity.
Replace classic light bulbs with economical models that guarantee energy economy.
Research the possibility of installing solar panels or using other sources of renewable energy which will lessen the impact on the environment.
Where it applies, economical use of heating or cooling systems are recommended.
Establish a recycling system for the public as well as participants.
Use biodegradable materials for restaurant accessories.
Recycle collected waste at the end of the tournament.
Recommendations to the public in the press and information to participants to opt for carpooling or public transport to get to the tournament.
Notice to the participants and the public of the “Green Code” and information regarding actions they can take to respect it.
Create activities linked to the “Green Code” to interest youth and the public (workshops for children, eco-village, special collection, etc.).
Participation of teams in an ecological project of their choice (beach cleaning, tree planting, etc.) and public presentation of their project during the tournament.
Participation is optional, however, a cup is awarded to the best project.
The “Green Code” is adopted in order to move the tournaments towards a reasonable management of factors linked to the environment and to minimize their ecological impact.
Even if all the measures can not be taken into account during the first partnership with the Eco-Sys Action Football Cup, organizers are asked to indicate the initiatives they have already taken, the actions that will be taken immediately and those that will be studied in the future and under what conditions. The “Green Code” must be a base for reflection and communication between tournament organizers and Eco-Sys Action.
It is clear that this code must be adapted to each tournament while respecting a common desire to create a “green tournament” which will be an example for all.
The measures taken during the tournament will offer initiative for a larger application throughout the entire year.
Tournaments adhering to the “Green Code” will become references in the world of sports and an example for other similar projects.